Before I do any work in the morning, even before I workout, I create my to-do list for the day. This consists of bringing forward things from yesterday and combining things already planned for today and reviewing any new tasks from email and the previous 12 hours of things that I wrote down when they popped into my head.
Sometimes the list is 40 or more items deep. Sometimes the list is overwhelming and I think, “This day is going to suck, I am not going to be successful.”
That has never happened!
I can’t think of one day, where I started with a giant-sized to-do list, where I came out feeling like a failure. More often than not, the bigger the list, the more accomplished I felt at the end of the day.
When facing a huge to-do list, do the first thing on the list, and then the next, and then the next, and then the next.
When eating an elephant take one bite at a time.
-Creighton Abrams